Tuesday 6 February 2007

Transport links

Western Isles council is looking into the possibility of establishing fixed links between all main islands within their area, as well as the Isle of Skye, 20 miles to the southeast. The first set of dams would link Harris to Berneray, a connection currently maintained by ferry. The distance in a direct line is 5 miles. The navigation of this channel is tricky, and it takes the Loch Portain ferry one hour to make the circuitous crossing. This proposed causeway could be the home for wave and tidal power generators.

The link with Skye would be in the shape of a 20 mile tunnel, which would land at either Rodel or North Uist. The cost would be some £10 billion, the same as the Channel Tunnel between England and France.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's clever thinking!  What a good idea.....and a challenge for engineering.  In the 60's I met a man who told me the story that he was one of the design engineers involved in the future channel tunnel.  I must admit I just thought it was baloney and that he was using a unique chat-up line.   I now know different. The dam idea is brilliant!  Jeanie
