Tuesday 6 February 2007

Late night notes

A vet is in hospital in Nottingham, after he contracted a flu-like illness following work at the poultry farm in Suffolk. Tests are being carried out to investigate whether he has a seasonal flu of the normal variety, or whether he has contracted H5N1 flu. This is not without risk. A vet in Holland died of birdflu a few years ago, after being in close contact with diseased bird during a devastating outbreak in that country.

A ship, anchored off the Mauretanian coast (West Africa) has been supplied with food and water for the 400 migrants on board. They are said to be from Kashmir (the disputed border area between India and Pakistan) and various African countries. A Spanish boat found the vessel a number of days ago, adrift after its engine failed. Mauretania and Senegal have refused to allow the people on the ship to come ashore. There is a huge problem with migrants, bound for Europe, travelling through Africa. Some make their way to Spain out of Morocco across the Straits of Gibraltar. Not all reach the other side alive. Spanish authorities have extended their patrols to African waters to intercept any boats heading their way. More often than not, the ships are decrepit and hardly fit for purpose. The number of people who have perished at sea in these wrecks is unknown.

Northern Australia is getting worried about cyclone Nelson, which is making its way from the Gulf of Carpentaria to the east coast of the York Peninsula. Nelson is anticipated to reintensify over water; the storm currently packs winds of 90 to 100 mph in gusts, which will decrease over land.


  1. I saw hordes of people trying to get through into Gibraltar a few years ago when I was there. The Spanish police were so strict on the border control, I don't think they even wanted to let me back into Spain! Lol! Sorry to hear about the vet, it must be so worrying for him and his family. I hope it isn't bird flu. Jeannette xx  

  2. I wondered how the people who were dealing with this outbreak would fare as I watched the news.  No amount of extra money would entice me into culling so many birds and cleaning up afterwards. I know someone has to do it but for now I hope and pray that this vet just has normal flu...which is bad enough. Praying for a good outcome for him.
    These poor folks looking for a good standard of life and who are trapped on these rust buckets ships must be so very desperate.  I so wish we could solve their problems of work and standards of living back in their homeland.  I'm sure they would rather stay there themselves.
    God Bless them too!   Jeanie
