Wednesday, 7 June 2006

Ad banners

AOL have decided to introduce ad-banners to all journals, not just the USA ones. This will happen on the roll-out of version 6. I am aware that many J-landers fled the US to the UK when this happened in November, or abandoned AOL altogether. I think AOL is going to lose a good few bloggers out of this. Want to leave feedback? Don't think it's going to do any good whatsoever, but at least you won't have gone out without complaint.

1 comment:

  1. I never look at the ad banners, we got used to them on the US journals so I don't see what difference it'll make. I know some people make a big noise over this kind of thing but it didn't do any good, as long as AOL get our money each month they don't care. Jeannette xx  
