Friday 27 July 2007


Over the last two days, mrs B had someone staying who was profoundly deaf. The person concerned could not lipread, and was barely able to speak. So, communication went by means of a pad of post-its and pens. Which drew out a story, as eloquent as if by spoken word. I do not give out details of guests on this blog, for reasons of privacy.

The point I'm making is that a little bit of inventiveness will go far to circumvent a minor obstacle such as deafness. It helps to include people who are otherwise only too easily excluded. I am not belittling the handicap that deafness is. I am merely stating that it need not be a major problem to communicate with people like that.

On that subject, Indigo (the writer of Raven's Lament) highlights the plight of people in Native Indian reservations across the US. She refers to an article that shows that rape and other abuse of native indian people in reservations goes unreported, unprosecuted and unpunished. I have to say that having read AOL blogs for 15 months now, it has opened my eyes further to the underbelly of American society. Hurricane Katrina served to drop my jaw on the floor, once I saw how people in New Orleans were treated.
Don't get me wrong, things aren't that rosey in British society either. And a similar situation exists in Australia, where the Aboriginals are treated as less than human, even now, in the 21st century.

I am bound to say that America's much-loved president and self-proclaimed leader of the free world (George W. Bush) could do worse than clean up his own backyard, before rummaging around in someone else's.


  1. Your last paragraph says it all.... I hope someone wakes the heck up!!!

    be well,

  2. Well put,I hope you have a great day

  3. Thats exactly how I feel about the president! You said it!

  4. Thank you dear heart for passing this on! Hopefully someday we figure out how to balance the need. For the time being I can't help but echo your words, someone needs to wake up and look at what is in our own backyards. (Hugs) Indigo

  5. Maybe if GWB just got the hell out of the backyard and let somebody who knows how to do clean up do it......


    I think we're all fed up with him.


  6. I can see the UK  ending up like the native Americans ,certainly in certain citys in these British isles Jan xx

  7. dear Guido,
    ummm interesting points...
    Native America is independant..tha means when you are on the pueblo you are not officially in the hands of US police, but rather in the hands of tribal police an tribal judges... this means that youare on their turf and their justice and philosophy holds. Why bring thi up? only because the often do not trust our officals and laws and they prefer to handle things in theri own way according to tribal elders.
    well they don't prefer abuse, they jsut don't want the white man's meddling and jsutice system to prevail.
