Saturday 21 July 2007

Saturday notes - midnight

So, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has just gone on sale in the UK. My bookshop doesn't open until 9 am or so, but elsewhere the HP mania has just reached feverpitch.
As has the flooding situation in southern England, it's the summer from hell down there. Not here, it's sunny although cool. Erm, yes I know it's midnight, so that's clear and dry, with Jupiter shining brightly in the south.

For everybody's info: if you subscribe to an AOL Group, take good note of the email you've had from AOL today. Not only will everything shift to AIM, you'll lose pictures, calendar and much more. This does not affect journals.

If you want to access your journal from outside AOL (like I do all the time), do the following.

- take a note of your journal's URL
- when on the external computer, put the URL into the address bar
- click on Sign In, at the top right of the screen
- log on using your AOL screenname (the one you use for your journal) and password

You can now make entries. Any pictures should still be available for adding on AOL Hometown or external picture storage site (e.g. Photobucket).

You can also check your AOL emails on-line, by going to or (if in the UK), logging on as above and clicking on the email section.


  1. I understand here in the Pacific Northwest, people have been lining up for hours (in the rain, no less) at local booksellers. Crazy !!!  Linda in Washington state    

  2. The books went out here last night at midnight...oldest grandson got one...he loves it so far.  Hope you have a great weekend.  
