Sunday 22 July 2007


The flooding situation in southwestern England looks to be as bad, if not worse, than what we saw in Yorkshire a few weeks ago. The River Severn is rising and is only 30 cm / 1 foot below the flood defences at Gloucester, at a height not seen since 1947. Tewkesbury, to the north, is largely under water as is a water treatment works there. Supplies to Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury are likely to run out in about 6 hours' time. Five helicopters are deployed over Tewkesbury to rescue people in immediate danger.

Want to see what that all looks like? More here.


  1. Oh my...those pictures look like there's a serious situation in that part of the UK.  I noticed the kids in the one picture we're can make a fun time out of any situation.  Those poor people...Linda in Washington state

  2. You just have to feel for those poor people whose homes are under water. One of Jim`s friends house is flooded and his family are distraught. The river Thames is very swollen though hopefully it won`t cause any problems for those living nearby.

    Love Sandra xx

  3. I have heard no news about the flooding until i switched on my pc this morning. Im in shock. There are a few villages around here in Durham that i saw damage to this weekend and my heart went out to those, but my god the sheer scale of flooding, well frankly it leaves me speechless.
    love and hugs
