Saturday, 10 March 2007

Balmy night

It's 10.30pm, and the wind is blowing a steady force 6 to 7. That's not remarkable. The temperature is.

11 degrees C, 52 degrees Fahrenheit.

And I kept wondering why I was so warm tonight.

Below shows the readouts from the weatherstation at Eoropie, 25 miles to the north. The yellow bars on the bottom right show the temperature in C. A windspeed of about 25 knots is equivalent to force 6 on the Beaufort scale.


  1. Wow you are warming up at 52F.  Usually you're much cooler.

  2. Very nice weatherstation...shows a lot of details...we are finally warming up here too!
    Take care...

  3. Even we're not having nights that warm yet.   Which is okay, cuz that brings along growing things which bring along allergens:)  So, if I'm reading this correctly, the sun is up there right now not even for a full 12 hours yet/day.  -- Robin
