Monday 17 July 2006

Bloggers in trouble

Well, that was a bit of a shock, reading about a blogger who got sacked for writing about events at work in her journal. If you look at the Technorati tag Busted for blogging, an amazing list of experiences turn up.

At the end of the day, everything you write on here is public knowledge and can be read by anybody. If you decide to let off steam about your work or even things in your private life, in the community at large - keep at the back of your mind that it may be a huge relief to call someone or their actions all sorts of names on a blog, but the very people you're vilifying could well be reading! And take you to court, sack you...

Yes I know, freedom of expression. Isn't it a sad world...


  1. I read the entry ,I think the poor girl was so in shock at the saddness of the events she didnt think it would have these repercussions,she was acting so compassionately ,and of course hind sight is a wonderful thing ,but there is no badness in that girl whatsoever .......Jan xx

  2. That's why I went private! I don't know the blog in question but haven't read all my alerts yet so I may come across it. We should be able to say what we think, isn't it a free coiuntry? As long as we don't give away anything confidential, I think she should be able to get compensation. Jeannette xx  

  3. she is wroth her weight in gold no matter what that guy said
