Saturday 22 July 2006


I've made a decision on my Creature Albums - the first one will be on my favourite animal: the Cat. These are the ones that I've seen in and around Stornoway, I found one or two in outlying districts such as the villages of Tolsta Chaolais, Bragar and Port Nis. I'm not a doggy person, and 90% of dogs in the island are Border collies, which basically all look the same. Cue howls of protest from dog lovers.


  1. BOO hear my protest! LOL LOL
    Yep, I'm a dog person, like cats but refer dogs anytime!
    Have you ever visited my pet journal? Don't think I ever saw a comment from you there??? The link for it is on my main journals side bar.
    Cute kitty pics, looks like the place is over run with cats! :)
    Have a great wkend.
    Hugs, Sug

  2. I like cats and dogs both, although I suppose if I had to choose one over the other, it would cats. (But don't tell my dogs, that.)  I like #7, the cat looking over the shed.  It looks like it's performing some kind of reconnaisance.
