Wednesday 13 June 2007

Clever by half

A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in Edmonton, Canada. A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $40.  The police responded with a mailed photo of handcuffs.
A young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the Saskatchewan R.C.M.P. Officer walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said: "I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the R.C.M.P. Ball." He replied, "Ma'am, Saskatchewan R.C.M.P. don't have balls."
There was a moment of silence while she smiled, and he realized what he'd  just said. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and drove off. She was laughing too hard to start her car!


  1. Ouch ,lol Jan xx

  2. Very clever!  I enjoyed the chuckle Guido.   Jeanie

  3. LOL! At least the Cop had a sense of humor!

  4. hehehe very cute. :D
