Thursday 21 June 2007

Thursday notes

An overcast day after day broke with fog. I don't think they saw the sun rise at Stonehenge either, the weather being quite iffy across the country. Still on the subject of the weather, not much activity in the tropics at the moment, with only one system threatening to become a tropical depression: east of India.

In Chile, a lake has done a disappearing act. In March, the body of water, fed by glacial meltwaters, was still there. Last month, it had gone, leaving behind a crater filled with ice. Apparently, the lake didn't exist some 30 years ago, and now it is gone again. Geologists are on the scene to investigate, but it is thought that a fissure opened in the bottom of the lake, allowing the waters to drain off. Southern Chile, where the lake was located, is the scene of frequent earth tremors, being situated on the Pacific Rim of Fire.

March 2007

May 2007


  1. We now have sunshine after a bit of heavy rainfall from black clouds this morning.   Its a bit humid even though there is a slight breeze.  I love fascinating facts like these above on the disappearing lake Guido.   Very interesting and puzzling too.   Jeanie

  2. Wow that's interesting Guido...thanks!
