Monday, 10 July 2006

Weekend - 2

I promised some entries about my exploits this weekend, which centered on the west of Lewis. I took one or two pictures (erm, that should be 203), and I was only stopped from taking a heck of a lot more after the battery on my digital camera ran out at 9.05 pm this evening, 40 minutes from Stornoway. I am not going to put them all on just now, I'll try to make time tomorrow (Monday 10th). Temptation is liable to be thrown my way again this week, as the person with the car is still around; furthermore, the Hebridean Celtic Festival is on, as is Sail Hebrides. No, I don't drive myself.


  1. Idont drive either Guido ,never wanted too. .....Jan xx

  2. Like you and Jan I don't drive either! Look forward to seeing your one or two pictures! Jeannette xx  
