Monday 13 November 2006

Canna's drive for population

The small island of Canna, 80 miles south of here, had advertised for two families to come and boost their current population of 15. They had 350 applications from all over the world, one of them from a family of 12. One of the successful applicants would be expected to run a B&B - at last reading, you'd be shelling out £70 to £90 per person per night (this is about $130 to $170).

Those applying would have considerable skills in DIY and other workmanship, and bring
their families along. Canna has an infrequent ferry service, which is cancelled on a regular basis due to poor weather. There is no mains nothing, and everything comes on the boat. If this does not sail, you're stuck. And you can't go round the corner to Tesco's if you find you've run out of rice.

The current residents are going to draw up a shortlist and will invite lucky applicants to stay on the island for two stints of a day or so.

I just hope it doesn't end the way it did in Muck, in a row.

1 comment:

  1. What an unusual custom - yet makes sense.  If I lived closer...CATHY
