Sunday 19 November 2006

Latest in-shore waters forecast

This is the latest bulletin with the wind and weather forecast for my area.

Ardnamurchan Point to Cape Wrath including Outer Hebrides
Issued by the Met Office at 1700 UTC on Sunday 19 November 2006.

24 hour forecast:
Wind: south or southeast veering west severe gale 9 or Storm 10, occasionally Violent Storm 11 around Outer Hebrides.
Weather: rain then squally showers.
Visibility: moderate occasionally poor, becoming good.
Sea State: very rough or high, occasionally very high around Outer Hebrides.

Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: west veering northwest severe gale 9 or Storm 10, later decreasing 5 to 7.
Weather: squally showers.
Visibility: good.
Sea State: very rough or high, occasionally very high around Outer Hebrides.


  1. Just been reading about the weather. My friend Mary and I said you should lock the door and don't look out till it's past !!   THe photographs have been great.

  2. Sounds as if there may still be more storms and wind ahead. Take care. Helen
