Friday 17 November 2006

Veils in Europe

It may come as a surprise to some to learn that the government in the Netherlands have decided to ban the wearing of the burqa, a traditional garment worn by Muslim women. Holland is famous for its liberal and welcoming attitude to minorities. 6% of people in the Netherlands are Muslims. Only 100 women choose to wear this dress. The BBC has published a very informative graphic on the types of dress for Muslim women.

The ban on the burqa, which completely obscures the woman's face, also applies to crash helmets with visors. A similar ban is being considered in Italy, which led to protests. Again, the BBC has published a webpage, outlining the attitudes on this issue across Europe.

Relations with the Muslim community in Holland have come under strain following the murder of film maker Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam in 2004. He was making a film which was critical of the way women are being treated in Islamic society.


  1. In the age of terrorism I think this is to be liberal to ban the face veil in Europe where the majority of people do not mask their faces. I don't think they will feel less human for that.

  2. Extremely interesting Guido ...whats wrong with a terrorist dressing this way? ..Jan xx

  3. I can see it if your head is totally covered up. it would be like wearing a mask to school. But what is the harm with a scarf and a robe when your face, hands and feet are showing. It reminds me when I was a child and you could only wear dresses then in High School they went wild and let us start wearing pants. Freaked out peeps.

  4. dear Guido
    what do you think about the ban?
