Wednesday 15 November 2006

Vatican and the Veil

I know it's late, and I should be going to bed. This headline caught my eye, though, and I had to put it on. It's not often I agree with the Vatican, but I do so wholeheartedly on this issue.

I copy from the BBC website, and have highlighted the line I strongly agree with:

Cardinal Renato Martino said immigrants must respect the traditions, culture and religion of the nations they go to. They ought to abide by local laws banning the wearing of certain types of Muslim veils, he added. "It seems elementary to me and it is quite right that the authorities demand it," said Cardinal Martino, who heads the Vatican department dealing with migration issues.

Italy has a law, banning the wearing of masks. This was drawn up at a time when very few Muslims lived in the country. The government in Rome is trying to draw up a charter of Common Values, but runs into some pretty extreme views on both sides of the argument.

More to the point, when you go to a Muslim country, like Saudi Arabia, you cannot consume alcohol in public, and women are expected to dress according to Islamic rules.


  1. I really don't see how you dress has anything to do with religion! The world would be a far better place if everybody was allowed to dress as they like. My cousin married a Libyan and the rules there are so strict. She can't even answer her own door if her husband isn't in! Jeannette xx

  2. If they don`t want to follow the rules, then they shouldn`t go there. I think the US has been too kind in this respect.

  3. I agree ..when in Rome !!.pun intended Jan xx

  4. You have made a very good point about what Muslim countries expect people to wear. But people tend to demand privileges if they can, so some foreign people try to secure the right to dress as though they were in their own country.  I was interested in an article I read about illegal migration from Mexico.  At one point in the journey, the coyotes meet the ones making the trek and bring them American style clothes so they won't look out of place or foreign.  These can easily be purchased in cheap quantitites at thrift store sales, etc.  But the Mexicans and other immigrants discard the cast off clothing leaving a huge dump in the desert.    Gerry

  5. Well maybe we should ban butt-cracks in open public, boobies have out of shirts  middrift T-shirts and mini-skirts. I am not sure when that became and American tradition but somehow I think fashion has always had open doors...or so I thought..-Raven

  6. I have to agree with the Vatican on this as well.  And a person going to a different land with foreign customs should learn about them first and respect them, I believe, when they visit.  The difference with what happens when people come to US I think is that we're such a liberal, open, unstructured country where church and state are firmly separate, so no matter how you got here, some feel no obligation to abide by our customs and rules.  Unbalanced and a sore spot with many, I know, but we're such a young country, so much to learn.  Thanks Guido. xo

  7. dear Guido
    your point is do like the natives.This would alos reference your statements about the banning of the veil in Holland. Is this sue to security risks? I thought it was.
    I'm not sure about the cultural aside.. is that what you are commenting about or the security risk?
