Tuesday 21 November 2006

Monday 20/11/06

The wind veers round to the southwest this morning, and we're having another gale. All ferries to the islands are cancelled, as winds in the Minch could reach force 11. One report from North Rona, 70 miles north of here, gives winds of 66 knots (74 mph) and gusts of 92 knots (100 mph). Someone was assaulted in the Castle Grounds near the Bayhead Bridge over the weekend. Angry white riders in the Basin. Two climbers went missing in the Cairngorms last night, but were located late in the morning. They could not be resuscitated. After a roll or 3 at lunchtime, I head for the Coastguard Station to take pictures. The wind is now from the west, so it's sheltered there. The wind is also less strong than yesterday. The rain comes down with a vengeance, making it cold. Down to Somerfields for a few bites to eat. The wind gradually dies down during the evening. Mrs B's son and his family are staying the night once more.

1 comment:

  1. That water looks rough!  All those white caps!  Stay safe.
