Friday 15 December 2006

HRT and breast cancer

Research has shown that not taking HRT reduces the chance for a woman to develop breast cancer by 7 to 12%. The cancers concerned were hormone-dependent in women aged 50 to 60, the age group most likely to be taking Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs. The improvements were seen after women stopped taking HRT. Some forms of breast cancer progress under the influence of oestrogen (one of the female hormones), and oestrogen is part of many HRT preparations.

The research group stresses that ladies currently taking HRT should not worry. Previous research has shown that there appears to be no link between HRT and breast cancer.

Anyone taking HRT who has concerns should discuss these with their physician.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting that you should raise this matter Guido.  I was concerned when I first read of the scare but my doctor explained how they get their statistics and she put my mind firmly at rest. I`d rather take a slightly higher risk with HRT than feel unwell all of the time without it.

    Sandra xx
