Thursday 31 May 2007

The Cardinal and Abortion

Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the most senior official in the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland raised a few eyebrows today. In a speech, he reiterated the Catholic Church's absolute opposition to abortion. It is the stated position of the Church, and nothing new there. However, the Cardinal has threatened Catholic politicians that they would be denied the Eucharist if they declared themselves to be in favour of abortion.

Abortion was legalised in the United Kingdom in 1967, and legislation remains the prerogative of the UK parliament in London, it is not part of the remit of the devolved Scottish Parliament. In the 40 years since the Act was passed, 7 million abortions have taken place. The Cardinal likened this to murdering two classrooms of kids every day.

I have the greatest respect for the Catholic Church, even though I am not part of it myself. I fully respect also the right of Cardinal O'Brien to express his sincerely held views, and agree that the Scriptures state that "thou shalt not kill".

I disagree with his sledgehammer approach of threatening disagreeing politicians with the withholding of the Eucharist. However, I have been informed that the Cardinal is no stranger to controversy, and am prepared to take his comments as a means to initiate debate on a difficult issue.

I am in favour of abortion, and am satisfied that the safeguards in place in the National Health Service in this country are sufficient. An abortion should, in my mind, only take place if the health and wellbeing of the mother is in jeopardy, or if serious deformity in the unborn child would leave it devoid of any quality of life. Using abortion as a convenient method of morning-after-pill is not acceptable.

As I said two paragraphs back, abortion is a difficult issue, and one on which opinions vary widely. Emotions will run high in any debate on this subject, and views tend to be strongly polarised for that very reason. I respect everybody's views, but I would sustain that women who are in a position that they feel they need an abortion be given that choice, supported by proper medical advice and care.


1 comment:

  1. I think that one should be able to make their own choice. I do agree that abortion should absolutely NOT be used as a means of birth control!!!! Which some people do that. You are right there are many many opinions on the issue!!
