Wednesday 16 May 2007


Mary [frankandmary] suggested the following

I think the 'names' come up if you have changed them on your welcome screen    if you have Guido on your welcome screen it will come up in comments & as the journal author at the bottom of an entry you post. Change it back to Pharmolo at your welcome screen name setting.
I have my welcome screen left at frankandmary & it still comes up as that when I post a comment.


  1. Thank you...I'll try that. :o)

  2. I don't have a problem with it showing my name, I just wish they would fix something worthwhile for a change. (Hugs) Indigo

  3. Donna worked that out this morning, I don't see why they had to do that, I have quite a few Debbie's and a couple of Linda's on alert so I don't know who's posting a comment unless they put in a link to their journal or I click on the name! Well done AOL! Jeannette xx

  4. Hi there Mary,

    May I, on behalf of the person you have been trying to help, say how kind it is for you to be so helpful.

