Friday 20 October 2006

Friday afternoon

Day drawing to a close, as far as the sun is concerned; sunset in 45 minutes. Had a quiet day, after the unwell person recovered overnight. Been to the shop, for the shop from hell - Friday afternoon, and you get overrun by trolleys. Our freight ferry didn't come in until 11.45, 4 hours late. Unfavourable weather condition at Ullapool, the mainland terminus of the service, probably delayed departure until daybreak, 8 am. Normally, Muirneag departs Ullapool at 3.30 am. Will be preparing supper in an hour's time, sweet & sour chicken with added pineapple chunks. Weather? Indifferent, lots of high cloud and very hazy. Not cold though.


  1. Hello Guido, just passing by.

  2. Your chicken sounds delicious. Glad the unwell person recovered overnight. It's almost noon at this time over here. Helen

  3. The day is drawing to a close here too...soon it will be dark.  Dinner sounds great...temps here are a bit chilly tonight and windy...tale care!
    Doing my catching up!

  4. Off and on things happen like that, but it is mainly when I make changes to my journal.  So far, so good for me...knock on wood!  LOL

    Take care...Joyce
