Wednesday 18 October 2006


We are all familiar, too familiar perhaps, with the so-called Nigerian scam. The spam email from a person somewhere in deepest West Africa, having a couple of million to burn following the "death" of an eminent person. And YOU of all people are the most trusted person on earth to receive all that cash. Only need to do is to divulge all your personal finance details - and you won't have a cent left.

I normally delete that sort of c**p as a matter of course. This morning, I received a novel and very sick version of this type of scam. I looked at the spam I had in my Hotmail account (you never know if something inadvertently gets sent there that should go into your Inbox) and found this message from a guy who had funds in a Swiss bank account belonging to a victim of the Holocaust.

Following World War II, thousands of Swiss bank accounts were left behind by those exterminated in Adolf Hitler's "Final Solution", and the Swiss had to be hauled over the coals to sort it out. The Claims Resolution Tribunal deals with claimants to these funds. My scammer, based in Russia, sought to phish some details on the back of this. He claims to be the chairman of the ICEP, the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons.

The CRT website carries a warning that spam, allegedly coming from an executive of the so-called ICEP, is in circulation.


  1. Thanks for the warning ,Guido ,.,.,Jan xx

  2. I get these all the in the heck did I get on that list?...At least twice a week I get a letter from someone who needs money with a whole list of stories....the scary someone has to be making money otherwise it would die out and people who stop....Thanks for the update


  3. Scary. Thanks for the warning.

  4. I had one from West Africaa couple of days ago, i told AOL and they told me to put it in "Report Spam" so i did just that...


  5. I got one today from a 'bank' concerning a person who died! It's always best to be aware of this stuff going around! Jeannette xx  

  6. My goodness, is that Holocaust one still around?  I heard about it before I even had a computer!  What some won't do ... CATHY

  7. I get these types of emails all the time too; I just end up deleting anything I get now if I don't recognize the sender. its annoying!

  8. There was a PayPal scam e-mail going around, too.
