Saturday 28 October 2006

VIVI Awards 2005

Earlier this week, I had a look at the winners of the 2005 VIVI awards, and what happened since then. Of course, within 10 days of the winners being announced, AOL USA stuck advertisements over the blogs, which drove dozens of bloggers to other providers. Numerous people went private. Others stopped blogging. Here is the list, with a note what happened since; if there is no note, the blog is still on the go.

A year is a long time in J-land.

Picture from Hometown

JOURNAL OF THE YEAR 2005: Just One Girls Head Noise - his1desire : Transferred to AOL UK; writer now deceased

LORD OF THE BLOG: The StupidSheet Guy - stupidsheetguy : Went private

LADY OF THE BLOG: Judith Heartsong
- judithheartsong : Transferred to Blogger

DUKE OF THE BLOG: Dave Cryer, Cave Dryer - davobarbus

DUCHESS OF THE BLOG: Adventures of a desperately fat housewife - tillysweetchops : Went private

: Aurora Walking Vacation - plittle

BEST INTERNATIONAL BLOG: My Journey to Life - grassriver : Not written in 2006

BEST USE OF GRAPHICS: Judith Heartsong - judithheartsong : Transferred to Blogger

BEST USE OF ANIMATION: This and that, and hockey - nightmaremom

BEST USE OF PHOTOGRAPHY: WonderGirl - cneinhorn : Went private

MOST HUMOROUS JOURNAL: Adventures of a desperately fat housewife - tillysweetchops : Went private

MOST EMOTIONAL JOURNAL: Watching My Sister...Disappear - mlrhjeh

MOST THOUGHT-PROVOKING JOURNAL: Just One Girl's Head Noise - his1desire : Transferred to AOL UK - writer now deceased

MOST EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL: Inane thoughts and insane ramblings - swibirun :  Transferred to Blogger

MOST INSPIRATIONAL JOURNAL: A Pennies Worth - blondepennierae

BEST POLITICAL JOURNAL: the wizard of ahs - anarchitek

BEST SPORTS JOURNAL: High Above Courtside - monponsett

BEST TRAVEL JOURNAL: Alphawoman's Blog - alphawoman1 : Discontinued blog in October 2006

BEST ENTERTAINMENT JOURNAL: Albert's World of Artsy Fun - lamove04 : Went private


BEST PETS JOURNAL: Random Ramblings - xzasporated1 : Started different blog

Mrs. Linklater's Guide to the Universe - jevanslink
Screamin' Remo - screaminremo303 :
Went private

Freely Floralilia,the official journal of pointless posting - floralilia
Mortimer's Café - luvmort : Went private

In The Shadow Of The Iris - justaname4me2

Musings from Mâvarin - mavarin
TO GROW IS TO BE ANXIOUS - deabvt : Went private

BEST ENTRY OR SERIES OF ENTRIES: "The Wedding From Hell" Adventures of a desperately fat housewife - tillysweetchops : Went private

BEST THEME-BASED JOURNAL: Stories From My Ambulance - sekirley : Deleted journal

: I Have a Life, This is It - animaquarius2500 :
Went private

BEST TEEN JOURNAL: Holding On & Letting Go - rickysbunnie

BEST COLLEGIATE JOURNAL: Life Or Something Like It ~ LIVE from the U! - luckyaugustgirl : Went to AOL UK

BEST NEW JOURNAL: Fresh Cup...Move D
own - schnozbeary : Journal deleted

BEST AIM JOURNAL (TIE!): The Daily Snooze II - hewasolddog299 : Went to Blogger
The Light's On...But No One's Home - krspkrmmom

BEST-KEPT SECRET JOURNAL (TIE!): From Here to There - firestormkids04
Lotus Martinis - txguinan: Went to Blogger

MOST-MISSED JOURNAL: Life With Linny - lindainspokane

MOST CREATIVE/ORIGINAL JOURNAL: Adventures of the 2-Faced Baseball - upseted : Discontinued blog


  1. WOW...I see a pattern there...deleting journals...going privated...transferring to another blog program...I wonder why....although transferring to another blog program is understandable....your entries have more freedom....


  2. Interesting, Guido..thanks for listing them.  I have to wonder if the Vivi's had anything to do with so many going private or if it's just the nromal percentage that do it all the time.  I've ony been in JLand a year so the awards were new to me.  I was, however, here during the ad fiasco when many pulled their journals but then again many did return.  Chris

  3. HMMMMM...strange????

  4. Tillysweetchops didn't do any more entries from around January this year. She just said she was having a break, then went private and we never saw her again! So many have gone private for various reasons. Jeannette xx  

  5. WOW, very interesting about all these bloggers.  

  6. Interesting Guido.. very interesting.

  7. Well...Guido, this is a pretty good summary and I think we should give more serious attention to this as it seems like 3/4 of these bloggers have gone away or went private for various reasons since their winning the awards. This is perhaps then not that worthy to run such awards and instead of being beneficial, it is counterproductive and seem to feel unhealthy to most of them... anyway they do not remain with AOL or hide (or die). I am glad I have not been elected or wan anything. There are many other places where we can blog and have beautiful blogs like I would like, but to be honest, I'd better have my website if all I want has to do with the layout and colours and etc... I believe that eventually AOL will come to offer us the same as the others do and I am happy to continue blogging with AOL as long as they provide me with internet, and as long as I have time.

    I really think that your summary is indicative of something serious there.

  8. Most of those who moved to other blogging platforms did so after AOL added advertising banners to the tops of our journals. Of those who went private, many did so due to harrassment from other journalers. Jealousy? I don't know. Others have just fallen away from blogging. It happens all the time. I once read a statistic that upwards of 60% of all blogs ever created are fallow.

  9. My family website which is private, almost completely confined to members of the family goes into the doldrums when the younger members are especially busy, and my sister Ann takes a trip to see her grand children or to the doctor! But the website has worked very well when there is crisis. I did not want to write another private journal, because the problem is getting readers. If the family gets tired of your issues, well, that is why I was so open to doing a published journal on AOL.  I have used aol since I got on line,  3 years under Pierre's name and 3 under my own so I have been prepared to stick with them no matter what. Now I have found so many journals I like--well, I will undoubtedly stay for the long haul now.  I understand why young people come and go. They get fatigued with all they have to do. I know my kids do.  It is a natural thing, the ebb and flow of things.  Thanks for going to all the trouble.  Interesting.  Gerry

  10. Hi Guido! Big Congrats on your nominations!
    oooo! Wow! Amazing how many went private huh!

  11. Both Jimmie (the Stupidsheetguy) and I have blogger journals now!
