Saturday 28 October 2006

Saturday sundries

I am saddened to hear Donna (Nightmaremom) having a heave at faceless people making her life as a blogger hell. I am mystified why the VIVI awards, supposedly a networking opportunity, are turned into an opportunity for negative networking - slagging off. Why comments can be so hurtful that they compel bloggers to remove material from their posts, as happened to a few others.

I thought blogging was for fun.

Jeanne (CandleJMR) expressed concern that anyone using AIM is able to trace which journals you write. That's not a secret. As I stated in a comment on her blog, you only need to add a person's screenname to the sequence (i.e. after the /) to get a full list of journals. Private journals obviously do not come up.

If you write about things that could land you in trouble, there are two options.

1. Go private
2. Hide details of persons, companies, and circumstances on your public journal

A fair number of people have lost their jobs through writing "hot" material on their blogs, one of them a fairly prominent member of J-land. You don't know who reads your blog; it's not a private diary, ANYONE with an Internet connection can read what you write. You don't want others to know about certain things? Well, start a private journal alongside your public one.

Can people pay a visit to Valerie's [IIImagicxx] blog Surreality? She has a date, and by the look of it she has a serious dose of cold feet LOL.


  1. Good entry Guido. I was shocked at how much drama has been associated with the VIVI awards.  
    Hope you have a good weekend.

  2. My first yr here, was shocked at some of the upheaval during the J-Land 3 Yr Memorial...& then the Vivis.

  3. I had no idea about Donna having problems, however I have caught wind of all this, sad & pathetic really. Like I tell everyone, I JOURNAL FOR ME, if you don't like it, click that red "x" up in the right hand corner, that is why AOL made it!

  4. it is a damn shame this has happened to Donna. She deserves none of it. I didnt either. No one does. The VIVI's are not now what they could have been, at least in my mind.
    take care!

  5. Guido, how kind of you to send me some readers... hope they are nice though :D
    I do not understand this animosity you have described. I do not read Donna's journal but perhaps I have... and I don't remember nasty things anywhere but perhaps they are erased from the blogs... I don't know... there are bored people every where and it is bound to happen on the net. This is not a safe place and we must keep that in mind. I thought that what was said about the AIM page was interesting. I don't know why I would hide the fact that I have blogs, and it's true that if I wanted to only share a blog with particular individuals for particular reasons, it would become private in the sense that we also have the option to invite the readers we would like. I feel pretty in control about what is happening with the blogs and I don't feel I need to be on the index, the reason being that it takes my own control away for I have to ask someone. I did not have to ask when starting a blog. I don't have to ask when I want it private or public, when I want to delete it, when I want to be on the message board. I love this freedom of expression and of my actions. I would not have it with the index and somehow it could lead to abuse even if this sounds "silly"; so I do not want to be part of it; I am satisfied with how it works like that.
    I hope Donna will recover from those who insulted her.
