Thursday 14 December 2006


Had a power outage tonight, which left us in complete darkness. As in, not seeing a thing. Was watching TV when the lights dimmed and went out. The streets and houses around were all black, streetlights were out, and the lights in the Coastguard Station were dimmed, running obviously on emergency power. The lights in the powerstation were on, and the roar of the generators was soon audible. Mrs B and myself scurred for torches, then lit candles. We first brought light to the guest upstairs, who was in total darkness too.
Ten minutes after power went down it returned, circuit by circuit through Stornoway.


  1. We have been lucky here. Despite strong winds and torrents of rain, we have kept our power but no doubt will experience some cuts before the winter is out.

  2. I tremember the power cuts we had in the 70's through the miners' strike. Every day we were without power for four hours. I'm glad yours wasn't too long. Jeannette xx

  3. glad you got the power back... after 5 days without I know what you felt like being in darkness.

  4. We had a power outage the other night for about 30 minutes.  It was when we had some good winds.  I hate that.
