Thursday 10 May 2007

Thursday notes

To add to previous entry: Albatrosses can live to the age of 70.

Just been watching Tony Blair announce that he will stand down as Prime Minister on June 27th, after just over 10 years in office. Basically, for better as well as for worse.
Gordon Brown is expected to take over as Labour leader, although a couple of folk may stand up to mount a challenge. Whether Gordon is going to be popular in England (he is Scottish) remains very much to be seen.

Subtropical storm Andrea is slowly winding down off the Florida coast - beware the weekend, when a low pressure system presently over Texas may give it a boost.

The Eurovision song contest is on again this weekend, the greatest load of crap on earth. When are they going to pull the plug on that? And on Terry Wogan's tired, tired sarcasm that accompanies the show on BBC.

The weather today is quite unfriendly: overcast, wet, windy and cold. Only 7C / 45F just now. Not much change in the offing either.

Was alerted to a new journal by our Stevie (formerly stevietwain, now steviemoore83). Donna has been plugging it and loads of comments are already there. If you didn't already know, give him a call.


  1. I saw this on the news this morning here, about Tony Blair.  Hope his successor is a good one...have a great day...

  2. Bummer about Tony Blair.  I always seemed smart when I knew who the Prime Minister I'm going to have to think a bit...  (oh, the horrors!)  Hee...

