Wednesday 9 May 2007

Wednesday notes

Back from trip to Glasgow which was nice; I still don't like big cities. Nonetheless, a change of scenery every once in a while makes you appreciate the regular environment the more.

Here in Scotland, elections took place last Thursday, which resulted in a narrow, one seat, majority for the Scottish National Party. The SNP is now working to form an administration. Because they do not have an overall majority, in fact only 47, a coalition would need to be formed. Unfortunately, none of the major parties are prepared to work with the SNP who advocate an independent Scotland. A minority administration could be formed.

One major problem with the 3 May elections were the number of invalidated ballots: 10% of voters filled their forms in incorrectly, leaving their ballots null and void. Normally, this percentage stands at around 0.5%. The validity of the election could be queried, as the majority of some victors was at times smaller than the number of spoiled ballot papers. The reason for the problem was a voting form that incorporated three different ballots. One for the constituency MSP, one for a regional MSP (decided by proportional representation) and one for local councillors. The last vote had to be registered by listing candidates in an order of preference (1, 2, 3 etc). The MSP elections had to be decided by entering one cross.

Today, all 129 MSPs were sworn in at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. Oaths were taken in English, Scots, Gaelic and Urdu. The Western Isles have a new MSP, Mr Alistair Allan, a man who originates from the Scottish Borders. He moved to Back, north of Stornoway, 1½ years ago, to be worked up to be MSP for the Western Isles, for the SNP.

During my absence too, an FE5 tornado has flattened the Kansas town of Greensburg. I understand that up to 8 people died in the disaster. Still on the weatherfront, this is the 32nd day without a tropical cyclone anywhere in the world. I have not updated my TC blog YET.

I have about 700 pictures to upload and a couple of weeks of diary entries to make. I'll call round the journals through today and tonight, and will re-engage alerts later today or tomorrow.


  1. Hey!!! Welcome back Guido!!! :o) I can't wait to see all of your pictures too! :o) I've missed you! :o)

  2. Welcome back Guido, you were missed!  Looking forward to the photos...take care,

  3. Though I dont always comment ,or indeed read all your entrys ,I have to admit to missing you ,you always keep us up to date on most of the things we should know,you are there for tech advise too ,reassuring to see an alert from you ,pleased your back Guido Jan xx

  4. Aye!  That was a bit of a debacle regarding the ballot forms Guido.  I am not surprised the others are reluctant to form a coalition with Alex Salmond.  Its all very well being a Nationalist for your country but its daft if you govern with a man who has his head in the sand when it comes to Partitioning or Seperatism from the Union.  That's a scary road to walk down.  All for to go back in history and restore our Scotland to a Kingdom of its own.  Where is the money for everything going to come from?  There are only about 5 million Scots who receive a lot of money in benefits thgough being part of the United KIngdom.   The man is mad if he tries it!
    By the way.....Welcome have been missed.   Jeanie

  5. Welcome back Guido! I'm so glad you're back safe and sound.

  6. Glad your back, you were missed.
    Jenny <><

  7. I have done a couple of postings whilst you have been gone which you might like to read

  8. Welcome back!!!!   Hoping you'll find time to pimp Ste's new journal.  

  9. Welcome home, weary traveler.  Its good to know you are home safe sand sound.

  10. I am happy your are back... I didn't know that Urdu was still used in gov't meeting and all... How facinating...

    be well,

  11. Glad you're back safe and sound from you trip.
