Sunday, 27 August 2006


Why do I report on the tropical cyclone situation, and relay advisories from the National Hurricane Center?

I have noticed that the dissemination of this kind of information within the US is unfortunately woefully inadequate. Several readers of my blog commented at the time of earlier tropical storms that they were not aware of them, or of the advisories issued by the NHC.

I am not in a position to comment - but I'll go so far as to say that the response by US and State government to Hurricane Katrina spoke for itself.

I have therefore taken it on myself to do my little bit from 3000 miles away to inform. If you know anybody in the areas I mention, could you please point them to the NHC website, or tell them what they say?


  1. Well, I for one am glad you do what you do.  You are the only journal I have set to alert me with IM.  I suppose us Americans are just so used to thinking it's not gonna be us, it's gonna be the other fellow.  Too much reliance on technology.  Too much, "Well, it's never happened before."  Too much, we're of pioneer stock and can ride out anything.  -  Barbara

  2. Gee Guido
    Please keep us in the loop!I heard about Ernesto way after you had told us! And if you're right and New Orleans will be ok, you have no idea how happy that makes us!

  3. I'm glad you are keeping us all updated...I heard about it from you first. I sure pray that New Orleans will be safe.

  4. You rock Guido!!  Love the updates... now come winter let me know of the snow storms, eh?  :)  

  5. And we appreciate it.
