Saturday, 26 August 2006

Friday 25/08/06

Sunless and cool today. Mrs B's nephew once again calls round to offer his aunt a ride to the shops. The Arnish Fabrication Yard is set to close next week - bad news. The Dennis Head Lighthouse wins the Scottish heats of the BBC show Restoration Village. This means it'll be in the final, vying for £1.7m of Heritage Lottery funding for restauration. The 60 residents of North Ronaldsay [Orkney] are very happy. The SFPA boat Norna leaves port. It's getting busy on the tropical hurricane front. I'm in awe of Ioke in the Pacific; Debby may yet come to haunt us next week. Go to town for a number of errands. The museum has lost my copy of "Men of the Iolaire" (see my entry Iolaire), which I'm not happy with at all. Sloppy. Anyway, the on-line version is still pulling the interested, just this morning I had someone emailing me with a query. Bought a card for John [Krissy's other half] and sent it off to the US. Went to An Lanntair [the arts centre] to buy a raft of tickets for next week's Hebridean Bookfestival - watch this blog. Mrs B provides a very nice dinner, a cold salad with hams and coleslaw. Very filling. A young German couple come to find a bed for the night. They have cycled far and wide today, and even managed to get lost in Lewis - which is singularly difficult to do. Particularly if the only thing you have to do is follow the main road, all 37 miles of it, from Tarbert to Stornoway.


  1. Mm, salad with Ham and Coleslaw..sounds delish!!

    Hope that German couple got some rest..hehe!


  2. I think it is terrible of the museum to have lost your copy of "Men of the Iolaire"...take care and have a great weekend!


  3. So sorry your copy of "Men of the Iolaire" is missing.  Maybe it will turn up.
    Hope that couple got some rest after such a long day.  Dinner sounded good!
