Wednesday 23 August 2006

New readers

I am pleased to note the number of new readers to Northern Trip - all welcome!

Just for reference, check out my Mission Statement and the info in the sidebar.
Apart from the J-land entries and the news items, I also insert my diary notes in the blog. These form the backbone of the journal, as that was how I started out. You need a fairly intimate knowledge of the Isle of Lewis and its small capital, Stornoway, but the links in the sidebar (again) should give you a reasonable idea.


1 comment:

  1. I so enjoyed taking this little video trip, I think Scotland is part misty-myth in alot of Yank minds, it's a welcome haunt, if you get my meaning.  There's a river called Inch I've tried to find on maps to no avail, it is a real river?  Going to check out Mission Statement now, CATHY  
