Thursday 24 August 2006

Tropical Cyclones - update 24th August 2006

For the Atlantic, tropical storm Debby appears to be heading off on a tangent, bound for the general destination of the Azores - batten down the hatches over there sometime next week.

In the more immediate future, focus needs to be much closer to the Americas: a vigorous tropical wave, carrying gale-force winds, is currently passing over the Lesser Antilles. It is not as yet classified as a tropical system, but could become one within 12-24 hours.
I would like to reiterate to those who are concerned about hurricanes this summer and autumn, that the only reliable source of information on tropical cyclones is the National Hurricane Center in Miami. If you have an RSS reader, you can put the NHC on feeds. Alternatively, you can put yourself on an email list.

I cannot place enough emphasis on this: if you are in an area that is prone to hurricanes, your life and property could depend on it.

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