Friday 11 May 2007

Friday 04/05/07

Managed to put the pictures on at long last, cripes.

A re-run of the city bustour, which is possible because the tickets are valid for two days. You can also jump on and off at will, which I did at the Cathedral and the People's Palace. Weather remains nice, but colder than the day before.


  1. I love the pics of the city chambers, so elegant! I'm glad you finally got the pics loaded, it takes all your patience not to hurl the PC through the window while your waiting! Jeannette xx  

  2. Lovely ,lovely ,brought back lots of memorys I was hoping you had been inside the Peoples Palace Jan xx

  3. You have helped me to see my city with fresh eyes Guido.  I wasn't going to bother touring around cities but maybe...just maybe...I will take Bryan on an open topped bus if it isn't raining when we get there.  I want all these photos...!!
    They are just great!   Thanks a million!

  4. The inside of the buildings are magnificent! Just beautiful!

  5. Believe it or not having been born and brought up near Edinburgh I have only visited Galsgow once and that was for a meeting so didn't actually "see" the real Glasgow...Oh and once I went to the Barras !! that was fun as a child listning to all the banter  don't suppose it is like that nowadays.  It was lovely seeing your photo's  I really must try to visit Glasgow sometime.  Tahnks again   Sybil x

  6. Pictures of all the places I know! did you go into the peoples palace I love it. bella x

  7. I did go inside the People's Palace, but did not take pictures there.
