Friday 11 May 2007

Picture bother

Anyone else having a struggle putting on pictures using the Add Pictures button? It's a pain in the backside over the last few days. It very helpfully says "There has been an error reaching the URL you requested". Oh wow, such are the depths of userfriendliness on AOL, aren't they [spits fire]. Well, will have to wait until tomorrow to put more pictures on.


  1. I have that problem Guido. You have to persevere and keep clicking it! It comes up with your pictures after about the eighth click!! Just another little AOL quirk! Don't give up and let them beat you, carry on clicking! Jeannette xx  

  2. As Jeannette says you can do it if you keep trying ,just like AOL very trying lol Jan xx

  3. Ditto the suggestions below Guido.  I got frustrated many times recently and I just gave up.   Sometimes it asked me to sign into my own journal.  Sometimes the edit button disappeared.........I can understand aol doing housework but this is beyond the pale!
    By the way I so loved the Glasgow views...I am all nostalgic now.  I hope to go up there this Tuesday coming to visit with my brothers.   My younger brother James and his wife are the eternal!  They like to sit in George's Square when there are rally's going on.  Especially about save the whales and dolphins.  Years ago they sat there with bronw paper bags on their head , don't ask..., asking about something or other to be banned or stopped.  They are a pair!
    Thanks for the memories....Jeanie

  4. sound as irritated as I feel right now  :)


  5. YES I've had trouble! I  have pictures of two of my playdays with Joey and I can't get them to go onto my journal. And now photobucket is acting up!  UGH!

  6. Oddly enuf, my 1st day back online in over a week and that's similar to what happened.  Should've stayed away, kept my sanity...nice to see YOU again, though Guido!  CATHY

  7. Honey, I use Photobucket!  Cuts out about 3 zillion steps.


  8. I very seldome use that feature. It is getting to be a pain looking at others pictures in there as every few seconds the page will reload again and you have to start all over looking at pictures. Helen

  9. Yes I do...and it's a big pain in my back side. Thats why I use other methods of putting my pictures up. I'll use it a few times here and there if 'it's' having a good day, but other then that....I don't like to use it at all. Too fickle for me.
