Friday 11 May 2007

Thursday 03/05/07 - City of Glasgow

Went on a city tour by bus in the afternoon, after dashing into Sauchiehall Street for walking boots and a waterproof jacket. Enjoy the pictures, the weather was fantastic if a tad nippy.


  1. It looks like you had great weather Guido! I love seeing old buildings, Glasgow has some beautiful ones! Jeannette xx  

  2. I have been to Glasgow ,lovely to see your pictures of George square ,The Peoples Palace and all the lovely architecture,did you go to the barra's are they still there ? Jan xx

  3. Glasgow... the city where I was brought up. Its so beautiful isn't it?  The Victorians were so wealthy and influential with their money way back then.  My nephew and his bride got permission to have their wedding ceremony in Glasgow Cathedral.  I'm told the open top buses are a must to see the sites.  Didn't you have the best of the weather Guido?  It's wet and cold here in the Lakes.
    Thank you for my birthday wishes I have had a great day!  Friends visited and stayed for a meal and we shared a few glasses of wine followed by a brandy.  I missed out on the brandy.  The wine was potent enough. lol!

  4. I really enjoyed your pictures! The architecture of that city is absolutely breathtaking! Such lovely detailed buildings. I recall seeing such buildings when I visited Norway. Thank you for sharing them.

  5. Bless your heart!  I needed to get away!


  6. Glasgow is steeped in history. bella x

  7. Just beautiful! :o) Didn't you get any pictures of you? :o)
