Friday 11 May 2007

Big B(r)other

In three weeks from now, television screens in the UK will be polluted with the sights and sounds of Big Brother VIII. Auditions, which generally attract the scrapes of the barrel, have been held and the usual collection of whatsits will have been selected. The worse, the better. The more antagonistic, the better. And any chance of sex will obviously qualify as an added bonus.

A few days ago, I ranted against the Eurovision Song Contest. I think I'd rather have one evening of inexecrable music than 12 weeks of Big Brother. You don't need to remind me: I don't have to watch it. And I won't.


  1. Makes me so glad I don't have a TV!! Have a good weekend. Jeannette xx  

  2. Those programmes have never lured me Guido.  Why should I waste my precious time on watching how other people are prepared to allow an audience watch every intimate moment of their sad and boring lives. What attracts folks to watch it?   Give me a good archaeology Dig any day or a Nature programme and I am happy.  Mind you ...I hardly watch the box these days.   Jeanie

  3. the only time I seem to watch TV any more is for the paranormal shows......


  4. Science, history, nature, what else is TV good for?  Is this Big Brother anything like this thing we have Ideal American?  I saw the first show a long time ago, thought it was a cruel sitcom of some weird kind and never watched again.  Now it's a hit I hear.  A hit, exactly.  Blah.  CATHY

  5. Playing a bit of catch up here, Guido.  You have a UK version of Big Brother?  Blah, I've watched that show once.  Although I will confess to watching a couple other reality shows.  Have a good Sunday.  Chris
