Thursday 10 May 2007

Wednesday 02/05/07 - part 2

Upon arrival in Ullapool, a bus took us to Inverness. This is a 55 mile journey, which takes about 80 minutes. Although it was sunny in Ullapool, on the west coast, low cloud covered the east, which became evident after crossing the mountains. I have also included pictures of Inverness city centre.


  1. My favorites were of the River Inverness and High Street...

    Why no pictures of YOU, G?!  *wink*


  2. Lovely a tour around Inverness and the river Dee ,thankyou Guido ,I have enjoyed this Jan xx

  3. Inverness has grown bigger since I was last visited Guido.  It would have been 44 years ago since I was last there.  I am enjoying this photo tour of yours. Especially as I have recently dropped my camera and the battery case now opens without warning.  I daren't tell Bryan yet....oooops!  I'm a dead duck!   lol!  Jeanie

  4. More great pictures of a beautiful country.  Thanks!

  5. I just love the buildings and the houses! Very beautiful to me! :o) Thank you for sharing them. :o)
