Thursday 10 May 2007

Wednesday 02/05/07 - part 3

The journey from Inverness to Glasgow, some 170 miles, takes 3½ hours, and leads through some of the most stunning landscapes in the British Isles. The 12.40 service from Inverness only stops at a limited number of stations - Aviemore, Kingussie, Pitlochry and Perth, where a change of trains is required. Before terminating at Glasgow's Queen Street station, the train only stops at Stirling. Although it is about 30 miles from Stirling to Glasgow, I only took 1 picture along the way. The skyline was spoiled by pylons and other industrial items.


  1. Thanks Guido..Those were lovely ics! Nice to see different architecture etc. Good to have you back! Shauneen

  2. GRRR hate spelling mistakes (I meant PICS not ics!!) :-)))

  3. Thanks so much for all these lovely photographs.  It was lovely seeing all the many familiar places.  Just shows how little snow there has been with the snow left on the hills. Around now it should still be fairly thick on the tops.  Hope all our US friends are encouraged to come to our beautiful country and so admire these beautiful scenes.   Love Sybil

  4. Loved all the pictures of your trip hon!! Truly beautiful countryside. Was wishing I had been there to enjoy it right along with you. (Hugs) Indigo

  5. Yet again brilliant  ,lovely scenery and achitecture ,love to see the Gaelic on the signs ,now if you jumped on the train in Queen Street station ,down south ,you could get off at Huntingdon or Peterborough and you'd be here lol Jan xx

  6. Beautiful..Beautiful Scotland!  I am so looking forward to our holiday Guido.  I want to tour as much of it as possible.  Thank you for showing all of these views.  I will be able to take some of my own soon.  Your the best!   Thank you.    Jeanie

  7. You know I have not been able to access the slideshow photos with broadband any better han I could before.  I only get one.  There are so many matters to attend to I can't get to this.  Do you have any idea what the problem might be.  I have been able to access videos. By the way, do people delete their graphics after they have arrived and been used on their journals  I am starting to organized my hometown files by putting them in folders and I wondered what was customary among journalists.  I have had the most peculiar time trying to get my capacity back to copy and paste links to entries.  Tech guy had to uninstall AOL as it all but bit him and fought him to submission.  My aol started interrupting my dial-up phone conversations at will and would not stop interrupting until it got its way.  Gerry

  8. Guido, Thanks for these photos.  Loved them.   So diffirent, from over there in the states.  Dawn

  9. Guido
    I am really enjoying this pictorial trip through Scotland.  Your country is beautiful, I'd enjoy visiting it if I ever got a chance to cross the big pond again.

  10. I have enjoyed looking at all your photos. Thanks for sharing. Helen

  11. Lovely pictures... I felt as if I was with you... someday... I will make it to your beautiful country!

    be well,

  12. I loved them Guido! I'm so glad you took these pictures to share with us! :o) Thank you! :o) Just so beautiful to see. :o)
