Friday 11 May 2007

Friday notes

Not a bad day, except it's feeling cold. The sun is shining behind a thin veil of cloud this afternoon, and the mercury is up to 9C.

Subtropical storm Andrea is no longer held to be a significant feature, and all watches and advisories have been terminated by the NHC in Miami.

Gordon Brown has launched his bid to take over the leadership of the British Labour Party from Tony Blair, when Mr Blair steps down on 27 June.

I was bemused to read that the comparison of the Scottish elections, on 3 May, to that of a Third World Nation was flawed. Apparently, Brazil, a nation of some 120 million voters, manages to organise a fully electronic vote, get results out by midnight on the day of the poll and get people to make 21 choices on polling day - without masses of invalid ballots.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds a bit embarassing Guido.  I hope they are not laughing at the Scots for being dumb?
    If you ask me there probably wasn't enough information out in the districts to inform foks in time of how to fill it in or  tell them what to do.   Jeanie
