Monday, 11 December 2006

Dead Whale

The carcass of a 43 ft dead sperm whale has washed up on the shore at Burghead, Moray, east of Inverness. As always, it can't be left there. Although large numbers of the inquisitive have come down to have a look, people are advised not to touch the carcass. Over the past 12 months, another dead whale washed up somewhere in Harris. In the end, they decided to transfer it, by low-loader, to the council dump at Bennadrove, just outside Stornoway. I mean, cutting it open is asking for trouble and look what happened in Florence, Lane County, Oregon some 30 or 40 years ago, when they tried to blow up a whale carcass.


  1. What is a 43ft dead sperm whale?
    I could not watch the video... I am not sure why.
    Well, the whales must know why they come and crash in that region of the earth. There are natural changes happening by just looking at the history of our planet. Some evolve with the changes, and some just die. It must be really impressive though.
    Thanks for the news.

  2. Guido I watched that video and got sick to my stomach!! UGH!  I'm glad I wasn't there!

  3. I just watched that unbelievable video and have to admit that it made me giggle.  However I just can`t believe that they thought it was a good idea to blow up a dead whale!

    Sandra xx

  4. I was going to say the same as Sandra, didn't they realise they were just going to cover everything with smelly whale carcass?! Jeannette xx
