Sunday 18 March 2007

Close of day

Well, it's twenty past midnight as I started this entry, and I still have 47 alerts to go through. Forgive me for giving in to this urge to sleep. I have been busy today with buying nice things in the shops, keeping warm (very cold wind blowing, and it's gonna get worse) and generally keeping a close eye on the weather. Severe gusts rock the house - up on the north coast they're getting it in the neck with gusts up to 80 mph. Tomorrow, I'll catch up with today's alerts, and everything else that has piled up today. Have a good night's sleep, and if you're affected by snow or ice: drive carefully!


  1. I guess winter is still strong where you live.  Sleep well Guido.

  2. Reading this Sunday afternoon Guido..I hope you slept well and that the house is still standing.  What a lot of alerts you have to get through!  Stay snug, safe and warm.

  3. I am trying hard to catch up too...hard for me to sit for a long time now...but I am trying...hope you got through your alerts...take care!!

  4. I'm finding it hard to keep up with alerts as my workload is increasing and I'm not getting any younger! Stay warm and I hope those winds don't get too bad. Jeannette xx  
