Thursday 22 March 2007

Thursday notes

Brilliantly sunny day in the isles, a complete change from the horrible weather we've had of late. It really does feel like spring, even if it isn't all that warm. Spring clean in progress this end (carpets, backyard, you name it), so not many entries today.


  1. OH  what memories the spring cleaning brings.. I thought tat it was a thing of the least it is down here in the South...oh yes they say they are spring cleaning..but that dosn't include the lifting of carpets outside, mattress's out for an airing..etc. etc.  Hope Mrs. B, has you giving her a hand !!   Sybil x

  2. I hope your day went well!

    be well,

  3. I think I will wait until it gets a bit warmer before I Spring clean Guido.   Jeanie

  4. Big Hugs from this end and sorry I have been away from the journal's so long. Spring cleaning sounds good..can you sent me bags to fit a ton of junk in...I can't super clean this placein one day :)))))))) Doreen
