Monday 25 September 2006


Over the weekend, I was tagged by Barbara (Life & Faith in Caneyhead) to list Six Things about me that are weird and you might not be aware of.  Now I could claim I wasn't weird, but that wouldn't fly very far.  So, now it is just to narrow down my vast list and decide which things I want to let you be privy to. 
So, here goes:
  • Unless it's warm, I always have a woolly hat and gloves with me. Must be the climate in the islands...
  • I didn't start to take alcohol until just over a year ago
  • I can walk for miles on a relatively level road, but am pegged out within minutes on a steep incline
  • I chew liquorice root sticks until the taste has gone out of the mushed fibres, then expel the lump
  • I have been known to drive people to distraction by the speed at which I type on a keyboard. At least twice I've been asked to stop.
  • I am not married. Weird? You don't know me. Better find something else - no, I'm not gay. Happy yes, gay no.
  • Give me a map and I can find my way around any city or area in the world. That is weird, I'm telling you. Because I keep running into people who can't read a map for toffee.
Now who on earth will I tag?

Now ya'll go to your journals and list 6 weird things about yourselves that we might not know yet.  Link back to me, and pick out six more people to do it. (Be sure to let them know you have picked them, in case they are slow getting around to their alerts!)


  1. I'm the same with map reading, I can read and memorise a map, I've amazed friends when we've been to a strange town and I've been able to lead them anywhere they want! Jeannette xx

  2. My sense of dierction is abysmal ,I even get maps upside down ,.,.,.,Jan xx

  3. Okay.  See if I'm wierd or not!

  4. geeeze Guido.. thanks.. thanks alot!  LOL  I think I did this awhile back but will do again.

  5. OK..I did it.
    It's here:  

  6. Grrrrrrrr  here ya go :)  LOL

  7. OH, I knew you'd be a good sport!!  Sorry I was so slow in checking up on you.  I live in a computer and aOl Software hell.  LOL   Some very interesting traits you have told on yourself.  I am not familiar with liquorice root, but assume it is stringy and full of juice sort of like sugar cane.  -  Barbara

  8. OH, I knew you'd be a good sport!!  Sorry I was so slow in checking up on you.  I live in a computer and aOl Software hell.  LOL   Some very interesting traits you have told on yourself.  I am not familiar with liquorice root, but assume it is stringy and full of juice sort of like sugar cane.  -  Barbara

  9. LOL..being married once was enough for me so I can't say I blame you.  Now, this map thingie is fascinating.  Most people can't even navigate Pittsburgh, Pa., where I live, with a GPS system.  There's an odd habit of changing streets name in mid course for absolutely no reason.  I was tagged to do this and should but only six??  I'm weird, I'll tell you.  Chris
