Wednesday 20 September 2006

VIVIs and blogging

I was disappointed to read that the VIVI awards seem to be the excuse for people to be spiteful to each other. My impression was that they were, as is stated on the graphic, to highlight excellence in blogging. Not an exercise in egotripping, navel staring, narcism and whichever other synonym you want to stump up.

I started my own blog as an on-line diary, and it stayed that way until the spring of this year. At the moment, a good part of my day seems to be taken up with blogging. Why am I so involved with it then?

I like to give readers an insight into the community that I'm in. Not that I am very actively involved in it, to my shame, but that's the way it is. I want to share the breathtaking beauty of the islands, and share what happens here. If anything at all.

I keep an opinion on certain matters, and cannot be bothered on others. I like to think that there is a group of people who like to read what I write. I just browsed through Jackie's VIVI awards journal and found myself shortlisted for no fewer than 9 categories, aye: NINE. I am flattered and dumbstruck. I'm not doing this for my own glorification.

The VIVI's are an opportunity to find new journals, read new people's stories. Nothing more than that, because what do you get for it? A nice new logo to plug into your sidebar. Blinking heck, it's not exactly the Lottery jackpot, is it now?!

I have found J-land to be a pleasant community on AOL, unlike others I latched on to when I first joined the service in 2004. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. I just want to say:

* Enjoy the VIVIs
* Take the opportunity to find and read new journals
* Keep it in perspective, don't spoil it for others. Please?


  1. You are sooo right! Guess you saw my post today. GRRRR some people!
    Yep, I placed your name in the pot too. LOL
    Hugs, Sugar

  2. good show Guido

  3. Well done Guido ,well deserved,.,.,.,Jan xx

  4. ^5 Congratulations!!!

  5. We got all this last year too, some even left AOL because of it. Can you imagine how petty minded they are?! Must be right miseries to live with! Jeannette xx

  6. thanx for saying that hun,i hope people take note i really do xx zoe xx

  7. I love seeing you promote your journal!! :)  It does my heart good to see people enjoying what the VIVI's are about, and not being afraid to say so!!  I wish you all the luck in the world, and thank you for all the encouraging things you said!  


  8. Wow Guido!!  That's wonderful!!  As far as people being spiteful...what have I missed?? Guess I better read my alerts tonight, huh?  Have a good evening.

  9. Guido....Congrats on the nominations!!  I don't blog for recognition per se.  I blog because I enjoy doing it and getting glimpses of everyone else's lives.  I spend a big chunk of my time updating my blog and reading and commenting on others.  

    I have always been a believer that life would be completely boring if I didn't continue to learn new things.  Blogging has opened up a whole new world to me and is a daily learning experience.  Whether it be through someone's art in their journal, tags they have created, poetry written, stories told, family histories written, jokes for laughter, drama, pain, illness and those we have come to know and love dying.  EVERY DAY is something new.  I think the VIVI awards are an EXCELLENT way to point that out.  It's not so much giving someone an award......for each of us are awarded every day with the opportunity be a part of others' lives.

    I applaud the VIVI's.  (stepping off my soapbox now....)
    I am going to post this comment in my journal, too.

  10. Amen!!! :o) You nailed it on the head! This is my first year with the awards and I was very, I honestly don't know what to think! So many are acting like children over all of it, and the awards are suppose to be something positive. Geesh...some people have to always spoil something good!

  11. Good on ya mate.  CATHY

  12. Bravo!  Well said!  I can't add anything at all to that.

  13. Congrats on being named NINE times, obviously your journal is well liked.  I have to admit I find it very interesting too.  I really hope people don`t start being nasty about a thing like the VIVAs, it only a bit of fun after all.

    Sandra x
