Sunday 29 April 2007

Call for support

Copying parts of an email I wrote to Jeannette (Jottings) today, after she decided to suspend blogging for a while following a very nasty comment, threatening litigation. I do not know the background to that story, so restricted myself to:

I think it's reprehensible for anyone to behave like this, but have seen repeated instances of it across J-land. I feel particularly like this, bearing in mind your physical condition.
You have my support, and hope you resume writing in a private journal as soon as possible. Do not allow this person from hell to spoil something you have done for so long. Also, remember that it was you that brought many a person into J-land. You're one of the community's pillars.


  1. Well said Guido


  2. More or less what I have said.  It really is awful. How can people live with themselves when they do and say such awful nast things.  Glad that you have had a nice day. Been the same down here, however I have the most awful cold so not felt like sitting out, just sitting here with my eyes closed most of the day !!! Love Sybil x

  3. I was to her journal earlier & left a comment. I think she needs to do what is right for her at this time, I know she'll be back when she feels like it...she loves J-Land. I feel that she's under so much stress right now, and that she's really scared...& then to have someone aggravate her in her journal, just sent her over the edge. She'll be back, I know she will...after a little hiatus.
    Hugs, Sugar

  4. I am so disappointed that she's leaving JLand. It makes me so sad.  I hope she's just taking a break, and will return.

  5. I was aleady there Guido and well said at that! It is when you're at your lowest when they seem to come ans swoop in on you! Why and ho people can be so mena and nasty is WAY betond me!?!? I hold Jeanntte up as high as you can ( as I do you) in J-LAnd! She was one of the first that I did meet. God Bless her. Thank you Guido.

  6. I stopped by before coming here to give her my support. I think it's horrible to feel you can't do with your journal as you please, without worrying about someone retailating with your words, or actions. She is such a sweet spirit , I hope she does return in time. (Hugs) Indigo

  7. What's wrong with people lately???

  8. Dear Lord, Guido...I missed this.  What in the world is wrong with people these days.  I just cannot believe how malicious this place has gotten.  I'm going to visit right now.  Hope Jeannette finds some peace for a while.  Chris

  9. I have been over already to visit Guido and left a comment.  People can be so insensitive and cruel....can't they?  Jeanie

  10. I have just come from there, now it is our turn to be pillars for her...
    Linda :)
