Thursday 26 April 2007

Thursday notes

Nice sunny morning in the islands, no fog but a brisk wind. It did get rather cold overnight, 2C is nippy. Our three guests from last night have left; the third is staying for another two nights. Business is picking up now that the season has started.

Have you recently had your bloodpressure checked? In a recent survey, it was found that more than a quarter of people were not aware that high bloodpressure puts you at increased risk of a stroke. Every 5 minutes, someone has a stroke in the UK. Forty percent of those could have been prevented, if high bloodpressure had been treated. One third of stroke victims will die within 10 days. One third will make a full recovery within a month. The final third will survive, but with significant after effects, requiring rehabilitation. Many are aware that high bloodpressure puts you at risk of a heart attack.

The problem is that high bloodpressure does not cause symptoms, and the medications used to treat hypertension come with significant side-effects. However, the advice is simple. Have your BP checked, and take any medications as prescribed. Don't fall victim to the silent killer.


  1. It's nippy here this Virginia...the weather is going to be cloudy all day, rain tonight, and tomorrow.  Hope your temps rise...and the weather pleasant soon.  I do not check my bloodpressure, but should.  I have always had low pressure.  Hubby, has high..he checks his on a reg. basis.  Good idea...getthing it checked.  True on the no symptoms...very true.  
    Take care...have a great day.

  2. Thanks, Guido.  You have just reminded me that it is time to go take my blood pressure medicine.  I agree everyone should have their BP checked.

  3. Great reminder Guido!  Lots of folks could have it and have no idea. They call it "The Silent Killer."

  4. Yes, I have hypertension & high cholesterol! Take 3 diffrent meds!
    TY for reminding everyone.

  5. Yep, i've had high blood pressure since i was 26 and take beta blockers, but for the first time in years it was nearly normal when i was tested over a week ago.
    Jenny <><

  6. Sadly, my boys' lost a teacher last Friday due to a stroke.Her name was Chantelle Badenhuizen and she taught Gr 5.She leaves behind a husband and 3 yr old.She was only 30 years old!SO SAD!! She did not suffer from high blood pressure but there is talk that Triphasil (the contraceptive pill) caused a clot! SCARY!!!! Thought this could serve as a warning to women-although doctors will tell you the risk is small-some comfort for Chantelles little boy however!!! I wouldn't take that risk!Same with HRT!!!!!Shauneen

  7. I certainly applaud this advice.  I think blood pressure is one of the silent killers if high and left unmediicated   Gerry
