Wednesday 28 November 2007

Labour trouble

Staff at Comhairle nan Eilean (Western Isles Council) had a very unpleasant surprise yesterday, when some of their number were told that their salaries would be cut by anything up to £12,000 per annum. This was reportedly due to an exercise in awarding people doing similar jobs similar rates of pay. For 11% of people, this would mean a cut in wages. Staff trades unions have recommended that no contracts be signed by individuals, and are organising meetings to plan a way forward.

Meanwhile, a petition is circulating amongst staff at the local Health Board against the sitting management for failing to address a £3 million shortfall. This deficit has existed for the past three years if not more, and was one of the reasons why the top tier of management was nearly completely replaced a year ago. Next Monday, the Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Health will come to Stornoway to conduct the annual review of the Health Board.


  1. It's always something...June:)

  2. Interesting situation  wonder what is happening to the other 89% of the people employed.... Are they in for a pay freeze ?   Sybilx

  3. Pay cuts aren't fair.    Tracy
