Saturday 17 November 2007


A man has been put on probation for 3 years for simulating sex with his pushbike in a hotelroom. He was discovered when hotel staff opened his room and found him in flagrante delicto. Puts a different slant on the expression speedhump, doesn't it.


  1. I read about that and at first it made me laugh but then it saddened me to thnk that someone would be that desperate!!!! I shudder to think what the hotel maids thought!!!

  2. I read the link.  Haven't the courts got better things to do.  He was in his own room not hurting anyone, what exactly was he doing wrong???  Perhaps the push bike complained.  Seriously though, although it is a weird thing to do and a trip to a councelor might be in order, i think the punishment far outweighed the deed.
    Jenny <><

  3. Geeps.  In America we say "speed bump" but the meaning is still a clever double entendre.  How bout a charge of bike abuse?  People are incredulous.  CATHY

  4. Oh boy...some people's children !  What an amazing world we live in.  Linda in WA

  5. I can't even begin to imagine that scenario so will just move on....

