Sunday 4 November 2007

Sunday notes

A grey morning, but with a lot of activity by birds. Hooded crows are chasing each other over the basin, across the road, and flocks of gulls wheel over the harbour. Yesterday, a goldfinch decided to look for food in the backyard.

Tripod came in handy, as the light was not good out the back. Siskin finches were recorded in their hundreds across Lewis, where one is enough to cause a commotion in the birdwatching fraternity.

Noel continues to cause a stir in Canada, with winds up to 90 mph, waves up to 47 feet, flooding and a fair bit of damage. A tropical cyclone is about to hit Luzon Island in the Philippines, but the dangers are estimated rather differently by the official hurricane agencies in Honolulu and Manila


  1. Your weather sounds the same as ours.  I see the evidence of moisture on the road out my front window.  It's barely 50 degrees after a summer like 60* we had yesterday.  But I'll take 50* over 30* any day !   The east coast of North America is taking a pounding for sure.    Have a wonderful Sunday evening!   Linda in Washington state

  2. Wonder what caused the deluge of Siskin finches. Have a good week and I hope you see some sunshine. Jeannette xx  
