Wednesday 31 January 2007

Freedom of Religion

I'm got some curious feedback on my picture of the Lord Provost's lantern yesterday. A Lord Provost is the Scottish equivalent of a Lord Mayor, incidentally. The motto on the heraldic crest of Stornoway is "God's Providence is Our Inheritance". One reaction said that in certain parts of the USA and possibly the UK as well, the reference to God would have been slapped down immediately. I find that sad.

Under legislation in both countries, we all have a freedom of religion. And a freedom of expression. I am also aware that there are lots of folk out there who are not Christians; Muslims and Buddhists, to name but two. Apparently, all references to a Christian background are removed from public places in order not to offend those professing a different faith. Which I think is just plain ridiculous.

The UK  and USA are Christian nations at heart. They began life with a Christian background. Others arrived who belonged to another religion. They were allowed to build places of worship, whether they were termed mosques, temples, what have you. In Islam, Christianity and Judaism are recognised as great religions of this world, even sharing common forefathers. Provision is made for them in the Quran, the Muslim's holy book. I don't understand why Muslims therefore would be offended by seeing a reference to God in a Christian country, which is where they are at the end of the day. Should add that the Muslims I know aren't bothered at all.

So I don't see why you can't make reference to God in a public place.

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  1. 'Under legislation in both countries, we all have a freedom of religion. And a freedom of expression'.  And that's how it should always be in a democracy Guido.  Jeanie

  2. Neither do I.  It's the "uber" sensitivity to political-correctness, which has just been taken too far, I think.

  3. I have two muslim chefs at work, they aren't offended by any reference to God. It's just the fanatics who object. Jeannette xx  
