Wednesday 31 January 2007


During an hour's swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12 liter of urine.

In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with 15 penises (touching door handles, etc.)

An average person's yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs.

In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects - while you slept!

Annually you will shake hands with 2 women who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

Annually you will shake hands with 26 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty linen basket.

At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests.

Daily you will breath in 1 liter of other peoples' anal gases.

...and wash your damn hands


  1. OMG this was discusting!!!  Sadly, I'm sure it is all true, too!

  2. You obviously have too much time on your hands, there are some things in life it is better not to know. LOL!
    Jenny <><

  3. Hahaha...and people wonder why I'm always asking my kids if they've washed their hands.  ew.


  4. What revolting thoughts to put in our minds Guido!   Yuck!  I always wipe bannister railings door handles etc regularly.  I did a Hygiene for Management course and you don't really want to know about that!  The videos of premises we saw then....(((yucky ducky!)))  You wouldn't ever want to dine out again! It should be standard practice that you should be able to walk along a glass windowed corridor whilst passing by the kitchens prior to sitting down in a restaurant. Jeanie

  5. I just can't tell you here what this post has done done me.  No, really.  I can't say it here! ;)

  6. I did laugh at this entry.  I don't know if I was supposed to or take it deadly serious.  You can imagine the problem of living in a 15 story tower with only 2 elevators servicing it.  All these people are touching the buttons that you must touch to go any where.  Doc can hardly even ride one and stay civil.  He was definitely not used to elevators as part of his home.  He has been known to let 3 elevators pass before one met his qualifications (only one other occupant preferably) I did question whether your statistics were right on the masturbating.  I do think you should go back and do some research to see if women are really not maturbating 25 to 2 less than men!   Gerry  

  7.  Oh man, don't make turn into one of those clean freaks that can't leave the house without a mask and gloves on, LOL.  Now I have to wonder, the doctor said the chlorine in the water gave me asthma.....was it really the urine?


  8. Can we inhale more anal gas if we want to?
